Saturday, December 7, 2013

Family Circumstances

In class we have looked at a few case studies to give us the opportunity to apply our knowledge of the different principles that we have learned in our class. It has been intriguing to look at other families and how they might deal with the crisis in their life. Some of the families we have examined have had things happen to their personal possessions, such as a house fire, whereas others have lost a child or other loved one in the family. All in all, most of the same principles apply to all the scenarios. This got me thinking that why should we only apply these things when we are going through a crisis? Shouldn't we apply them in our lives now so that we can maybe make these inevitable crises maybe a little less harsh? What if we were mindful in our everyday lives- we would see more of the real world, meaning we would not pass judgment because our judgment really doesn't matter in most cases. Mindfulness includes not judging situations, nor labeling them good or bad. It includes noticing things around us that might have gone unnoticed if we had been more self-absorbed, and less mindful. It includes listening and studying things out. What if we did this as we studied spiritual topics? Wouldn't the spirit be better able to be with us if we spent far less time judging everything?
I know that this helps in my own marriage as I get to take a step back and use a little less of my emotional mind, use a little more of my rational mind and combine them to use my "wise mind". This lets me let go of unnecessary frustrations, and see that sometimes things just happen. I really have enjoyed seeing that all families go through stresses and frustrations, but if given the right tools they can make it through the hardest of times with a little help from the tools that they have learned to use so they can function as a family. As it is Christmas time I think that family is the most important. Maybe we all could use the extra benefit of being more mindful, and less selfish, and let it carry on throughout the year! Christmas is a time to celebrate Christ, and I love that the whole world can celebrate it!