Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Introduction

Well, if you're reading this you must have some interest in families or other insights I might have to offer. This Family Relations course is bound to open my eyes to many things that I haven't thought up as of yet. I am so excited to learn about it because I come from a large family and I know that family is extremely important to society and each of us as individuals. If we opened our eyes to some of the problems and issues we have around us and learn how to do and be better than them, then we have a chance at finding that sought after happiness we all want. What makes us happier than those we consider family? We need to hold them dear and learn how to make it the best situation possible!

This is my family on my wedding day. This is the relationship that we have developed with each other because of all of us wanting to continue living the gospel of Jesus Christ. We have become close and obviously even silly- it's what makes this family mine :)


  1. Hello Sherisse! Wow you have a huge family and they looking like a ton of fun! How many people are in your family? How long have you been married? I am excited to hear from you throughout the semester!

  2. I have only been married since January and I have 11 kids in my family so we have a lot of family to deal with! haha
