Friday, May 31, 2013

Marriage...sooner rather than later?

We talked about choosing our mate this week. I thought it was very interesting that Brother Williams brought up the idea that we don't really know someone until we have known them for 3 months. This was somewhat difficult for me to hear because 2 weeks after dating my husband (3 weeks after meeting) we talked about getting married, and a month and a half after meeting we were engaged....we are obviously the exception rather than the rule because it felt like we had known each other for forever at that point.

From the day that we went on our first date I knew that things were going to progress to and be the best thing for us if we could only just keep it together. This was possibly the most fortunate and wonderful day of my life. We made a connection that changed how the rest of our dating would continue. We made our hearts open to each other and to the spirit.

To the day that we were engaged and learned that sometimes things don't work out the way that we want, but all that we need is there with the person that we chose to spend every day for the rest of our lives together with.

Up to the day that we got married and learned how much we truly loved each other because we needed each other from that day on because of the covenants we made to each other in the temple. That is what makes the difference- the reverence we have for our marriage that is essential for our eternal salvation. This is what makes us so happy and so in love. God knew what I needed and helped me find the person who is better than me in so many ways that he lifts me...and somehow I do this in part for him, which is amazing to me! I know that our lives were brought together for a reason, so we could better each other every day.


  1. This is a great perspective! I'm glad I read this, thanks for sharing!

  2. My favorite relationship book is called "How to Avoid Falling in Love with a Jerk" in it, he says that habits don't come out for 3 months. Which is true. If someone does something nice once, it doesn't make him a nice person until he does it over and over- creating a pattern of nice things. Same thing goes for jerks. One jerky thing doesn't make a jerk. It's if that action is repeated. You won't know if it's a pattern unless you give it least 3 months. I know of several girls who were in abusive relationships (marriages even) and I wonder if they would have dated the guy a little bit longer if they could have avoided that heart ache.
