Saturday, June 8, 2013

Newly Weds :)

This week was about newly weds, which I am an expert in because I've been married for almost 5 months. It has been quite the experience as we have lived in now 3 apartments. In our last apartment, we didn't have a kitchen, only a toaster oven, microwave, fridge, crockpot, and electric frying pan. No kitchen except for the appliances that we had. We didn't have a table to eat on so we got folding chairs and ate on our ironing board. We have been out of food many a time and had to eat Ramen Noodles for dinner or breakfast, or both...we slept  on 2 twin size beds side by side for our first few nights in our first apartment, its been quite the experience trying to get things in order where we haven't had very much money.
We have been so happy trying to keep things going and being optimistic about our future. We have loved every single bit of it. We finally have a kitchen and more space to live, but we are still just as happy! We have had to deal with the distribution of responsibilities, changed our lifestyles somewhat, we made a budget, made decisions together, combined our social circles, established our family boundaries, accommodated each others schedules, and discussed our family planning. We know that all these things are imperative to us making a happy and eternal marriage for us and our family to come. We talked in class about how couples headed for divorce typically have 10 areas of significant incompatibility....the same amount as happily married couples. This goes to show that its what you make of your life together, whether you want to be happy and overlook a lot of the faults of your spouse, or stare the faults straight in the face and be miserable the rest of your life. Make the choice to be happy and enjoy the choice you make for who you marry.

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